“Our Why”

The story that led us to starting the rosary chain…

Anthony and I have three beautiful and incredible daughters: Silvana, Olivia, and Eva. Every parent’s worst nightmare became a reality for us on February 2, 2021. Our oldest daughter, Silvana, was driving from home to school that afternoon when she encountered construction and a detour. Silvana never made it to her dorm or her class. We received a call that there had been an accident and we should go to the hospital. We drove two hours to the hospital, knowing that the worst may be awaiting us. Once we walked in, we just knew our lives would never be the same. We were in the middle of that nightmare and were experiencing the shock of our lives. A true out of body experience!

God let us borrow Silvana for 19 wonderful years, and we will always praise Him and give Him glory for that. Silvana is truly one of a kind – a beautiful soul who is larger than life! We refuse to speak of her in the past tense because she is and always will be with us. We know that her life in Heaven is beyond anything we could give her on earth. Our brains understand that she is in the most amazing place EVER, but our hearts long for her so badly! The loss is not something we will ever “get over.” The loss is now a part of who we are. We long to hug her and hold her again! The pain is deep but temporary because we know this is only a pit stop on the way to eternity.

Our journey has been a long and painful one since that horrible day. However, we have come to learn that amid the pain, the grief, the hurt, God is merciful and truly does LOVE us. We have learned how to TRUST again. We have learned so much about ourselves, about others, about God, about our own daughter. Through Silvana we have come to know the Lord in ways we never expected! We have come to know Mother Mary with an understanding we never experienced before! Our daughter has led us down a journey and opened doors that are surprising and moving to all of us! Through this journey we have come to experience joy again. We have a deeper appreciation for life and a deeper understanding of love. Our joy comes from helping others – HELPING IS HEALING.

Silvana is more alive now than when she was here with us. She is the driving force behind this rosary chain. She is motivating us to bring as many souls to Heaven as we can. In honor of our precious daughter, we will work overtime to get you into Heaven!

May God Bless You! -Vittoria


“The Rosary is the most excellent form of prayer and the most efficacious means of attaining eternal life. It is the remedy for all our evils, the root of all our blessings. There is no more excellent way of praying.

Pope Leo XIII