The Artist

Meet Anthony

My passion for making rosaries began with a friend asking if I knew how to fix his rosary, so I thought I would help him out. Being inspired, I made my first rosary for fun. I found it to be therapeutic and enjoyable. Each rosary takes about an hour and a half to make, reciting the prayers as I make them.  I’ve been making rosaries for a little over a year before the idea of a rosary chain started.

In May of 2023, I had a holy spirit moment. I woke up at 3:00 AM having a strong, realistic dream to create a Rosary that can be tracked and traveled around the world. After an hour of jotting down the idea and details of how it would be done, I finally fell back to sleep. When I woke up, I had more ideas as to how this can be done. I truly believe the Lord put the right people in my path to make this “idea” a reality. In a few short months, we launched the power of “Pray it Forward”!I’m super excited to see where our rosary chain’s travel, and even more excited to see you praying the rosary!  We are all connected by our Creator, our Savior, our Father. May God bless you always!Most Holy Mother, pray for us.